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WP80 - Victor François Fetique


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Product CodeWP80
Weight and Total Length Weight 59.4 grams, Length 74.5 cm.

Sold with a certificate by:
Jean-François Raffin.
Expert Près La Cour d'Appel de Paris.

Balance point from tip of winder - 252 mm.

Victor François Fétique, a master bow maker in Paris, crafted this beautiful violin bow that is of a quality which is exceptional even amongst the finest bow makers of the period. Made circa 1920 this example is typical of his best work, with a compact strong head, a crisp frog and a one piece button. The bow has a strong pernambuco stick with nickel mounts and is signed on the stick below the frog Vtor Fetique à Paris, it is in excellent condition with just very minor blemishes and some small grip marks to the winder. Victor Fetique is a respected and well known French bow maker. He served his apprenticeship under Fournier-Maline, J.B Husson and Emile Miguel before starting a job with Charles Bazin and later working with Caressa et Francais. He then established his own workshop in Paris where he continued to create great bows. 

During his career, Fetique was awarded for his personal production and craftsmanship the title "Un des meilleurs ouvriers de France" (One of the best craftsmen of France).